Saturday, November 29, 2003

Okay so I havn't blogged in like 9 years. I've been playing FFXI. Hell I had something to out up here but I forgot. Ah well.

Thanksgiving was business as usual, can't complain, can't be super excited.

I'm overbroke, because, while Daniel meant well he fucked up my account.

Oh, and I'm down at Steve's since last night, I'll be here 'till Friday.

Monday, November 17, 2003

They lied, my phone update plays all sound files EXCEPT MP3s....

Also, I found that I like to play more with Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese players more than American players in FFXI. They just seem nicer, I don't know why.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

FFXI and Tetra master. Other than that my life is stupid. :)