Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Nathan: I brought my cordless home from work! Hahahaha. That's funny.
*pees, turns to flush* >PLOP< All of a sudden, it's not that funny.

Friday, December 24, 2004

365 (367, apparently blogger deleted this...)

A year ago was the day my grandfather passed away. I miss him. That's all.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


The reading went well and as planned. A breeze. Then it was dinner at Chipotle w/ Crystal. Burrito Bol = Yum. Then we parted ways and it was homework time.

After one hour and 10 minutes in the editing lab, the cleaning crew came in and, wouldn't you know it, my computer was the only one they managed to accidently reset. All work since an hour and ten ago, gone. Had to redo it.

After a total of three hours and twenty minutes, I'm done, I leave. I'll be posting all my finals whenever I find time.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Passed perspective, but just barely. My Portfolio presentation got me an
A-, just barely bringing my average to 2.14. Pretty good considering I
missed 4 assignments. I'm sure it's just 'cause the teacher is nice,
though. I find myself once again in debt to Crystal for helping me
through my academics. I wouldn't have finished High School without her
and now I owe her for helping me with this class. I also need to thank
my sister for taking me to Kinko's at 2 AM because our mother wouldn't.

I also started my Figure Modeling Final yesterday. 5hrs, one model in
any pose without a live model. I brought my Witchblade action figure as
reference. Let's hope the last 2 1/2 hrs treat me well tomorrow.

As for Thursday, it's just reading aloud two of my works, no work
actually required. Our "Final" was the 10 page story we've been working
on all 15 weeks. So much progress was made, I'm garunteed to pass.

Friday is Editing, which is pretty much in the bag, just gonna tack on a
song to the end of my project to extend it's length.

I'll report in later in the week.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Just plain mean.

Why do they even heat the subway system. Its not like I'm there to relax
and take a break. I'm leaving ASAP. In from the cold then back out
again. It's like giving a homeless man a blanket and telling him you'll
be taking it back in twenty minutes. Now I've got a headache from moving
in and out of the cold. Ugh

Thursday, December 09, 2004

i'm going to die

part of my big toe on my right foot is numb like it's asleep. i hope it's just a pinched nerve, not diabetes, like my dad

Monday, December 06, 2004


I freaked out the people at Starbucks, ordered a drink w/ soy & whip.
They had to repeat it like six times.