Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Friendship is a double edged sword. Well, the side in my face isn't as painful as the other, but sometimes I think it is. Oh, and the other edge is actually a cake. It's great to have a bunch of friends and all, they talk to you, hang out, play games, help you through life, etc. But it's tough when everyone wants a piece of you and there isn't enough time in a day for them all. I have so many groups of friends and it's hard to please them all. I can usually try to balance them, but it doesn't always work. There's the Role-Playing Group, the RE RPG group, the Warcraft group and the group of people who just want to talk on AIM. There's also family. With all those people it's hard to decide what to do when and you're not sure if your plans w/ group A conflict with your plans in groups B, C, D, or E. Then I also have to do things for myself and soon school starts. Life is difficult.

I just realized that the RP group wants to get together on Friday and I think my dad wants to go to Sacramento. Fuck me in the ass, now I have to make a phone call.


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