Wednesday, September 11, 2002

You know, I've looked back on my role-playing career and I have made some interesting choices. I've decided to do things illogically and slowly just so that I may appear dramatic or cinematic. I do things with strange details and make actions and movements that do nothing but "look good." And I've gotten nothing for it except the satisfaction that I think my characters look good while doing things. Hell, I took a specialty that doesn't help me in any way besides, once again, looking good. It's interesting how I can get my characters to look really good but I can't my NPCs to do the same. I don't know why. I don't feel the closeness with the NPCs. So my problem is I am better at role-playing than storytelling. Maybe I'd be a better assistant storyteller? But to who? Pip doesn't need one, he's fine on his own. No one else STs. Hmph. Tough. Any takers?


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