Monday, October 28, 2002

So yes. The game was a campaign, defenders had 300 point armies and attackers had 450 points. For every turn a defender began the turn with one of his units touching his buildings (he had two) without any opposing units touching it too he got 15 points. So most defenders got 30 points a turn.

The first round I just sat back and gained all my points that way, Sean's Atlas stomped my army. But after 16 turns I had accumilated enough points to win even if I lost my whole army. So I did. I made 600 points.

Round two I faced a problem, the Mad Cat (Timberwolf) was a infantry stomping God that could crush my men like bugs. I somehow managed to capture the SOB and held onto him for a whopping sixty minutes. Of course, then he captured my Arbalist. Double points for captured units meant I either had to hold on to that Timberwolf or lose the fight. I did and beat Paul by a slim 26 points. So I added another 675 to my points.

But Abe had captured two mechs in the first round in addition to the points he got for keeping control of his building and other things. He made 1500 points in the first round and another 600 or so the next. He got first and got the Demon Tank while I got second with the Foxcar tank. Everyone says it sucks (like they said with Danni) so guess what? I'm gonna start running this underdog in my army too!


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