Saturday, November 30, 2002

Daily Rotten: Weird News

Crazy woman shaved Harry Potter's face into the back of her head.

Nathan & KGB: ::turn and look at each other. pause. go back to reading::

Tuesday, November 26, 2002

Man I suck ass in MW:DA.
P.S. On the 6th there's a special event for a Limited Edition Mad Cat III
Did a treeny bit of Christmas shopping. Yay. Okay, not really.

Not sure on my god damn plan for doing whatever tomorrow. I'd explain but I don't fricking feel like it.
I might becomea Battlemaster for Mechwarrior, then I'll be able to host events and stuff right here in Daly City, since it seems there's a registered venue I can set them up at, all I have to do is talk to the owner. :D Let's all hope I become a Battlemaster before teh 6th! Please!?
I eat, drink and sleep Mechwarrior: Dark Age.
In case you're wondering where I've been: My sister's house.
To be completely honest not a whole lot is new. My mom grounded me. Blah. Oh well, whatever, it's almost Thanksgiving Break anyway.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Sunday, November 17, 2002

Seems no one is interested in MW but KGB, oh well.
Congrats on your license TP. :D

Saturday, November 16, 2002

I'm so lonely. Unfathomably.
I need more versions of Hikari. I have:

English Ending Version (5:02)
Japanese Intro Version (2:31)
PLANITb Remix English (2:28)
PLANITb Remix Japanese (5:45)
Instrumental (1:10)
Instrumental Orchestra Demo Version (3:42)
Godson Remix (4:39)
Karaoke (5:00)

I thnk there should be a five minute English PLANITb Remix, right? And a Two-and-a-half Japanese PLANITb Remix? And the English Intro (2:30) and the Japanese Ending Version (5:00)?

I need.
Today sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked. Sucked.

Got my ass kicked in a tourney, bought two packs and got BS and Sean got his LE's in and I didn't.

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Oh my god. No one is IMing me. What the hell is going on?
I wanna play MW :|
Today I just went to school and hung out at my cousins for a while.
Didn't post wat I did yesterday.

Came home via mom. Had lunch w/ Cat and watched Spirited Away w/ her on my computer, then shot the breeze. Then I went online.

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

DK, post something other than WWE, man.
TP put this in your header:

script type="text/javascript" src="<$BlogID$> &fglite=0D2352&fgdark=FFFFDD&bglite=FFFFDD&bgDark=0D2352"


Don't forget the angle brackets. < > before and after each line.
As for the links thing, just edit the HTML as you please, since you already have done some, it seems.
Oh, and don't you hate it when someone you're talking to doesn't say good night before leaving?
Great no batteries in my clock. Hope I wake up on time tomorrow.
If I had a single wish. I'd be God. Because he doesn't do anything, everything has been set into motion for his plan. His only problem is his infinite loneliness, but I'm used to that.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

I think I made a mistake. I mean I broke up w/ her and I'm not happy. Nothing makes me happy anymore. There's a lot of fun in my life now, compared to before. But I feel a lack of happiness.
WTF am I supposed to do when I have problems? Who do I turn to? Who can I ask for help? I sure as hell don't want my friends stressigng about my shit or my family. They have enough to worry about. Their lives are hectic enough without me handing them my excess baggage. God isn't helping me, in fact he seems to just throw shit at me. Is he testing my character? Well that's a helluva alot of tests I didn't study for.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Got my box of MW:DA stuff today. Played in a Campaign. I'd bitch about it but it's a lot of typing. I also then played in a Head-to-Head Tournament. I'd bitch but it's too much typing. Later people.

Sunday, November 10, 2002

I hate my life.
Had m cousin over on Fri. Night. Had KGB over Sat. Night. It's Sunday. Wow.

My cousin ET beat Tim and me in MW. And then the night afterr Ken beat us. Tim and I suck. :)

Saturday, November 09, 2002

Thusday: Power died on and off at DNA. Played in a Tourney. 4 players. CJ, Stevo and Tim. Won 2nd but since the last match was vs. Steveo and he had the 1st place prize already, he just told Drew I won so I could have it. Wow.

Friday. Nothing. Hung out at DNA and then came home and played two games of MW w Tim and Ernest.

Today, nothing.

Thursday, November 07, 2002

You know what sucks is that everyone has a profile on their SN and so I used to have one too. Then for some reason Trillian would delete the profile every time I logged on. So I said "fuck it." And now I have ideas for profiles (from reading others) and I can't. I hate this shit.
Once again with the jealousy question.
Played a game of MW w/ Tim. Got whooped. But I'm glad I have a playmt and terrain now. Yay.

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

The last one was a roster check. This one is for comments about my site:
Mandatory reader check in!
Wanna make a site but I need something for a BG. Someone help me.
Dpes anyone rememebr if I ever posted a dream with snails in it, if not then I'll have to post it. 'cause I can rememebr it for the most part.
They were cashews. Not pecans.
I'd like to say that I have some really messed up dreams. If you can retaliate then go ahead. But you're gonna need some messed up examples.
Had a weird dream.

Um, first thing that I can rememeber was that someone had brought home a box with a 2 hamsters, a mouse and a guinea pig. My sis was freaking out (which is not normal, she likes those things) and ran away. Then my mom comes into the kitchen (that's where I was) and says we're going to a movie at 11:30 PM w/ my sister and my bro-in-law. I opened the box and found that the animals came with a tiny bag of food. I opened it and read a note that each one likes different foods. The mouse ate whatever, the hampsters liked the sunflower seeds and the guinea pig liked the pecans (at least I think it was pecans...). Anyway we started running out of the animal food and so I wanted to out and buy more. I went downstairs to ask my mom for money to buy food for the little guys and looked ath the clock. It was midnight and my mom said that we're not going to the movie anymore because my sister and her husband were late. So she gave me cash and I went upstairs to get dressed to go out to Walgreens (I don't think walgreens carries big bags of animal food but whatever I could buy unsalted pecans and unsalted sunflower seeds).

As I was putting my shoes on in the kitchen we noticed the nextdoor neighbors at their windows looking in and watching me and listening while I talked to my mom. When they saw we noticed they went back into their house. We recognized them as Maricel and Daniel. (Family friends of ours. Which is weird because we don't live next door to them but they do live very close by.) Then a few moments later the doorbell rings.

Some cute japanese girl, her little brother and their mother are standing out their in traditional japanese clothing. All of a suddon I'm in a samurai's kimono and I'm putting a Daisho into my belt. I tell them of my 'quest' and their mother tells me that her two children have made a twofold pact. The son swore that if I return, his sister would have to follow through about her quip. She had said earlier that night that she would offer her hand in marriage to me. Weird things I know. But whatever, I go out on my quest. Which should take no longer than three days. If I did not return in three days they assumed I was dead.

My katana changed into a weird thing. It was like a pole with a spatula thing on the end and had a small container on it to hold liquid, in which my mother poured chicken noodle soup for my journey. Then I departed.

It became video-game like as I whacked my way passed monsters (some of which I am sure came from video games but I can't remember them right now). I was even colecting gold coins from them.

I cross a bridge onto my dad's patio and we talk a bit and he asks if I would like him to hold onto my money, so he takes it (kinda like a bank storage system ina video game). I open the door to his house and realize, somehow, that his house is 3 rooms by 3 rooms and that I have entered the bottom left corner of the house. The first room is empty. I continue on and find that I can go left or straight. I go straight and open the door into a dark hallway.

My dad comes up behind me and shuts the door, I yell back for him to turn the lights on and he does. I open the first door to my right, a big black floating robe comes at me and I whack it and it dies. The next door, which is to my left has it's light on and I'm weirded out. I open it to find...

KGB! It's like an apartment complex, apparently. I ty to ask him to join me and he says, "For what?" then I say, "For this!" I open the door behind me and there's his roommate sleeping. I try again with another door and same deal. In fact I actually hit his roommate to see if he takes magic damage, instead I cut him and he bleeds. They think I'm crazy and Ieave the way I came.

I go the only other way I can, to what was once my left.

It's a dining room, a really nice one. But I know that it's dangerous to be out in the open so I roll under a table. There I meet a woman in a three piece suit (miniskirt instead of pants) and we discuss tactics. We talk about the decoy spell, (reminds me of DnD for some reason) which is basically a short range teleport spell that teleports you to what you're looking at. So we see the rest of the company gathering for a picture andrealize that the head of the company is on to us. That he knows that we (she and I) know the company's dirty secrets. We use Decoy to teleport behind the crowd and run for the gate (since it seems that the dining room opened up into some sort of garden where the employees were gathered. The head of the company points us out and tells the rent-a-cops to get us. We're running towards the gate when I realize she's wearing pumps. I ask, "Can you get over that!?" She repliese with, "Watch." and uses the Decoy spell to get on the other side, where she continues running. I just climb over the fence and follow.

Then a big truck (you know, the kind that pulls a trailer? A big one)almost hits her and she jumps onto it's hood runs across it, on the windshieled and jumps high into the air, landing on the sidewalk on the other side of the street in front of a real police station. I Decoy next to her and we walk into the station.

I wake up.
I hate my life.
man everything is going to crap
I wanna play MW, damn it. But there's no one to play.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Oh and by all accounts today sucked so much gay, fucking ass that I could die. Or should.
I wish I could code HTML for something. But it's pointless since I don't know any.
Who the fuck reads this shit? Should I even bother anymore?
Is it right to be jealous if technically you shouldn't be?
God damn it I feel so fucking stupid. I asked Hi-C for a link to her blog so she links me to a webpage and I assume it's her blog. I look at the main page once in a while and see it doesn't change. I don't look around the pagefor link or anything because I think it's a blog. Fuck me. So I sit around for a week and no update so I finally decide to look around and then I realize that her blog IS hosted on blogger like the rest of us and not an individual code. God I hate me. I'm so stupid.
Those archives better come back or I'll be mighty pissed.
I hope Pip doesn't mind I copy him and put a song quote on the side there.
Yet another MW:DA Tournie that fell me 4th of 6. Stupid fricking Atlas punched my score in the face. Then I had to play the guy who played nonchalantly and stayed out of my range without knowing it. Ass. Damn his luck. Well whatever, it was fun, that's what's important. Then I got picked up and went shopping w/ my sis and bro-in-law. Then went to my cousins house to his newborn child. Stayed there 'till late and then came home and made terrain for my own MW:DA maps and stuff so I can play at home with legal sized stuff and practice (besides it makes the non-competative games fun too).

All-in-all a good day.

Sunday, November 03, 2002

4th of 6 on Saturday, got whipped real bad twice and won once against Russ. No matter, the prizes were things I didn't want except the 1st place one was a tank I've been wanting. Oh well, try again on Monday.

Today was pretty weird. Went out for lunch then to Westlake shopping center w/ my sis, nephew, dad, step-mom, half-brother, uncle and cousin. It was a mix of fun, frustration and, well, yeah.

My sis bought me stuff to make MW:DA mats and terrain out of. Soon I'll be able to recreate DNA Cards & Comic in my own room.