Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I was dreaming about FFX-2 when all of a sudden every time Yuna did something my body burned. The pain got so bad I woke up. My felt like it was on fire and my stomach felt like I had gas but ten times worse. I rolled out of bed and stumbled, hunched over, to the bathroom where I thoughtI would expel gas. Instead, nothing happened and I was just doubled over in excruciating pain. My body wasablaze and my stomach was going to explode. I was gasping for air.

I thought I was gonna die on the floor with my pants down. I seriously thought I was gonna die and only a few thoughts ran through my head.

I can't breathe, I must have SARS, this is my punishment for joking about it.

God is punishing me.

I'm a bad person.

I'm going to hell.

I screamed for my mother.

I have an ulcer. I feel like I have a stitch in my stomach and everytime I do something even a little straining, it feels like the stitch is gonna pop.

This is my life and it sucks one moment at a time.


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