Thursday, October 09, 2003

i had a dream, i got into a car accident and i broke my lower spine. next thing i knew i was in the hospitol and they had out me in a space that seemed lik it was between desks where i couldn't move move my liges and if i did a searing pain would take over my abdomen. i waited adn waited for the nursesto hrurry to take me into the operating room. i waited ten minutes, twenty minutes, slowly the fire burned al over my waits up to my chest. i waiutes still longetr, i askedfor help but they said i had towait, i waited two hours, nothing, the pain grew stronger and stronger, it hurt so much, then a nurse came in and edxplained how the ssytem worked. i didnt care i wanted the mto hurry, the pain burned like mad. nd i couldn't stand it.

i woke up with a numb feeling around my waits and the strength drained from my legs, i slowsat up and moved my legs a little.

i can walk. i'm glad for that.

but the fact that some of the pain carried over, that's what scares me.


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