Tuesday, August 17, 2004


I was in second before midnight, watched some TV and I was inm third, I left it in the hands of the rest of the message board. Overnight I got kicked down. I have a feeling someone spotted my sister going berserk on the new member and voting thing and decided to do it back. My sister needs ninja skills, who amongst you will train her?


Blogger Thomas said...

*steps forward*
"i will."
*trips over a rock, grabs a nearby shelf to keep from falling, knocks it over onto a passing cat which runs franticly up the nearest thing, which happens to be an inocent bystander, who is startled and runs out into a street which distracts a driver who plows into a parked car which did not have a parking break engaged wich rolled down a hill into a construction site, the impact of which caused a cranne operator to accidentally release a heavy steel beam which cam crashing down onto the building under construction. the beam destroyed a crucial support causing the entire hi-rise apartment complex to come crashing down, causing a huige noise and cloud of dust, which got the attention of just about everyone in the city*
"im pretty stealthy"
*dusts himself off*

10:00 AM  

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