Thursday, September 30, 2004

Copying the style of a story in our reader.

He was always right, I don’t know why I said it. My grandfather was always running me down with those stupid old folks warnings. “Don’t run with scissors.” Just then, I tripped and needed 3 stitches. “You should have waited an hour before going back in the pool.” Then I cramped up and my uncle had to come save me.

It was either a curse or a blessing, I couldn’t tell which. There were so many of these occasions I swear the man had it in cahoots with the “Big Man in the Sky” just so they could teach me a lesson. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fun, and it sure as hell wasn’t normal.

I grew to resent him for it, even hate him, it was like his words were a curse on me. “Lift with your legs.” I strained my back. “Check your blind spot.” I hit a Mercedes. “Put a sweater on, it’s cold outside.” I caught pneumonia and was bedridden for a week.

I don’t know whether I was tempting fate of giving his cursed power a test when I said it, and in retrospect I’m sorry I did. It was a hot Tuesday in July, and the family was gathered on the porch drinking lemonade, watching the day go by, when a red convertible zipped by. “I wish I had one of those,” I said. Of course, the old bastard had to chime in with, “Be careful what you wish for.” Then I muttered angrily to myself, “I wish you were dead.”

It was actually grandpa’s friend driving by to tease me with my birthday gift. I found out after the funeral, of course. Every time I drive the damn thing, there he is in the passenger seat, “Check your blind spot.”

Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Missed class, got debit card stolen. I left my debit card in the ATM after a deposit of $60 which finalyl brought me to positive $20. Then teh guy hits Get Quick $40 and then goes to fill his gas tank. Sigh. Hopefully Ken will send Benjiman Franklin my way soon.

Yup, Thomas, Yup

I have an appointment with The Director of 3D Animation in order to get
some career advice and direction. Tuesday, 3:30-4:00 PM.

Friday, September 24, 2004


I was informed by Crystal that I am only a few degrees from Kevin Bacon.
Now I find out that Holly is one degree from Tom Cruise, which makes me
three degrees, and you four.

This came up in a conversation about writing a letter to someone to ask
for advice. Apparently one of her students wrote him a letter asking for
a 15 minute interview to know if he was on the right track to success.

When the student said, "Thank you so much for this oppurtunity, you must
get hundreds of letters asking for your mentorship."

Tom Cruise replied with, "Actually I don't get any, because people don't
think it's possible."

Go write a letter.
"One time, before a reading, I was really nervous. My friend, he's an
actor, helped to calm me. He said, 'Don't be so nervous, there's nothing
to fear from the crowd. Everyone wants you to succeed.' He's right,
everyone does."

-Holly Payne, Novelist, Narrative Storytelling Instructor


Done with the last time I'll be in the Tape-to-Tape labe this semester 3:20 hrs to make my 60 second traielr (65 actually. What's with me and going over?) I put the musicfirst and then the video and then the dialogue. Only after did I realise my music levels were too low, averiging at -3dbs and my dialogue was averaging 0 db. So now the voice is too loud and the music is too soft. But I had remixed the music from 2 minutes down to one and I wasn't about to try and resync the shit. So fuckit, I said, and now my trailer is done.

Ask to see it when you visit.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Crappy 500 word story (590 actually)

I promised her I’d get her out of out of this town. She laughed then, her eyes wrinkled up and her cheeks dimpled. I laughed too. We both knew it was impossible.

When we met, I was stuck at a dead end job, living paycheck to paycheck. I had had a rough week and needed some companionship. So I hit the red light district and shopped for some. They all looked the same: leopard skirt, feather boa, and big black boots.
At least that’s what I was thinking when I saw her. Golden curls, red lipstick and eyes so blue that if you gazed to long you’d end up gasping for air. I picked her up and we expected the usual. What happened was anything but.

I got a hotel room, one thing led to another and we were up all night. I was nervous but something about those eyes calmed me down. Yeah, we were at it all night. What can I say? I’m long winded and she asked me what I did for a living. That explanation turned into what I was planning to do with the money I save up. I told her that I wanted to start my own club instead of working for that jerk Tony. I told her it’d be called Soul Purpose and we’d serve barbecue and have a live jazz band playing ‘round the clock. She opened her mouth to laugh but what came out was music. I asked her what where my money was going. She said she wanted to leave New York. She moved here when her father had gotten a big job. Said the asshole only spent money on himself. She hated this hellhole ever since she got here, but he had forced her to come with him. He said his mother was only good for milking cows and brushing down horses.

We continued for hours, first her, then more about me. She liked Montana but thinks southern California seems better. She drives a Volvo, a beige one. Her favorite color is turquoise and she likes her coffee with cream, no sugar. She’s into the blues, like me, and spends her daytime practicing on the sax and taking care of her cat Chucky. Chucky likes to listen to her play and to unroll the toilet paper until he gets caught. On Sundays she feeds the homeless because she’s true to her roots. She can’t stand the sound of poorly maintained brakes, especially the public bus’.

We were surprised when the sun came up.

It was when that first ray of sunlight came through the window that we both looked out the window in between the sickly grey stained curtains and fell silent. We were quiet as the sun came up slowly behind the skyline of the city. I didn’t notice the time. She didn’t notice my hand on hers. That’s when I said it. Eleven months ago.

As the train pulls in I run my fingers through her hair and give her a kiss on the top of her head, she moves slightly but she’s a deep sleeper. We were up late again last night playing Scrabble. The conductor holds the door open as I carry her in, careful not to bump her head. I sit next to her as soon as I’m done getting our bags. The man across from us asks me where we’re headed. Southern California, I tell him.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004



never buy on moviefone


i am now -330 thanks to them


Just a few local tones popped in, now that it's done I don't know if he wanted those.

Ambient shading.

Monday, September 20, 2004


Usually you pretend to eat what you see on Food Network. Except when they're doing a special on TV Dinners. And you're eatting one. Life is good.


Ken's Car

Kidding of course, usually CJ is up there cause Ken drives a clown car and CJ is a behemoth.


Friday was school, then come home to hang out with Crystal, Thomas adn Ken. We watched Ghost in teh Shell then played one quick race of Mariokart. Then it was Burger King and then Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.

I'm having a streak of awesome movies, let's see how long I can make it Collateral, The Village, Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. then we came home and Karted some more.

The weekend was just chill with Crystal and CJ melting my face with Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and Resident Evil 0.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Need I say more?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Isometric drawing for Perspective class. Supposed to be finished in pen :|


Ken: Makes the conversation a lot more interesting.
Nathan: Did you just say it "makes the cum shake more interesting!?"


Bought a stamp for my grandpa's collection. A Schwarzenegger stamp from Austria, it says Governor Schwarzenegger with his face and the American flag behind him. It also has a 100 on it, must be 100 "cents" there.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Mark Zjawinski on Early American Art

"This is when, American's could still do things, you know. Nowadays we
pee on the floor and call it art."

Thursday, September 09, 2004


Wake up, hang w/ Crystal, take bus to BART, BART to SF, get lost, get back on BART, go to Jack-in-the-Box look for a seat that doesn't smell like piss, go to class, go to BART, come home, go to Best Buy to buy Router, see Last Samurai + Interview with teh Vampire 2pack DVD thing for $20 and buy it too, go to Gamestop, buy Star Ocean, come home, build PC, reheat leftovers, eat, blog.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004



So Crystal and I both got Stress Test Keys fow WoW. Good for 7 days.
Anyone wanna play 'till the 12th?

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Amazingly retarded.

Mom: Are you sleeping now so you can stay up later?

Nathan: Yes mom, that's exactly it.

Because I love sleeping for 3 hours and then going to school. And then when I get home I'm so tired all I do is roll half awake and half asleep in bed for 6 hours and still be tired. Yes mom, that's what I do every day, it rocks.


So as many of you know, it's been quite warm here lately so I decided to
sleep with the window wide open.

Big fuckin' mistake.

Not did I wake up freezing, my chest hurts and I'm coughing too.

I blame that really shitty superhero.



Bart was free today 'till 9AM.

Monday, September 06, 2004

Good times.

Went to Arash's for a barbecue. Satin the sun and BSed and ate food. Chicken and hamburgers then hotdogs for dinner.

Played Mariokart for hours.

Ashkan + Nathan > Arash + Ken

Saturday, September 04, 2004


All those interested please post. I would like to organize this time. No posty, no ticket. You have 6 days and counting.

San Francisco Landmark Embarcadero 5 San Francisco 17-Sep

Rides, tickets etc will be organized I hope. PLEASE POST ANY INFO


Thank you for the HTML help. By that I mean I copied off your blog.

Oh and I need a new profile pic.

Something where I have clothes on, Ken.

No CJ, not that one, remember? Court order.

Maybe Crystal and Thomas will say something decent.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Puzzle Fighter

Anyone want some puzzles? I got some for someone and they didn't want them so now they're eatting space in my room.

Ohhhhhhh, Good

Read schedule wrong, missed class this morning.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Delicious Vegetable Dinner

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


No fucking idea WTF Ken does anymore. He's basically a dead blogger, AIMer, anything.