Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I like how the program I downloaded for the Sidekick as an alarm clock
is an hour behind right now, thus making me fucking late.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Fan Fucking Tastic

Fall asleep with migrane

Wake up with migrane

Get gas from milk, just enough to be painful, not enough to pass it

Drop $400 Sidekick II and dent it

Start Class

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Yum. I mean... Yup.

Ever eaten at Chipotle? It's like Taco Bell. Except. Good. It's like
eatting at a real mexican restaraunt. Without the... uh... "ambience"...

Monday, October 18, 2004


So I'm done registering my classes and changing majors (from video game
design to screenwriting, more on that upon request). I meet up w/ my
sister to go home. We go to the parking garage and get the van. A man
starts giving us driving directions, "Go foreward." So she did. Into a
column that hit the right side.

So we were on the way to show her husband. We we're in the leftmost lane
of three lanes. A huge moving van, "Service West", was in the center
lane and also was turning left. We were on the corner of Bush and
Montgomery (if you hurry you can see our screws on the street!).

So yeah, if you want a slightly scratched 2004 Honda Odessy bumper, just
say so. My sister and I were thinking about putting it above my window
and getting one of those fake license plates and popping it in there.

Pictures to come.

Oh and we're all okay.

Friday, October 15, 2004


what I want is for Crystal to teach my children
what I want is for Ken to stop being so pessimistic
what I want is for Thomas to shut the fuck up
what I want is for Lyla to go away
what I want is for Terri to grow up
what I want is for Ernest to compose music
what I want is for CJ to get serious

what I need is for CJ to keep me human
what I need is for Ernest to show me others can do what they want
what I need is for Terri to stay young and show me what we used to love
what I need is for Lyla to stay
what I need is for Thomas to say what is right
what I need is for Ken to show how things are wrong
what I need is Crystal to teach me

what I want is for children
what I need is for men

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


For the amount we pay for Academy, you'd expect better treatment.

I forgot my ID, maybe cause I didn't get a lanyard, maybe not.

I try to go the the main office w/ no ID? Security whore (below) hounds
about not having it. I go up there and find out my counselor is booked
and the receptionist is a fucking whore too.

Fine. I set an appointment for Monday at 9:30. I leave to go to the
computer building. No entry w/o ID or schedule.

I got back to the main office (the buildings are two blocks apart BTW)
and get hounded again by the same security whore. I go get a copy of my
schedule and think I should buy a replacement ID. Apparently it's cash
or check only. I don't carry a checkbook and havnt received my allowence
(even though it's already Wednesday) so there goes that idea and any
hope that I can use one of the computers to do homework (I need an ID
for that.). Now I'm stuck here 'till 7 doing nothing important.


Just cause I forgot my fucking student ID doesn't give you license to be
a bitch.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Fw: Finally collect child support from him

-----Original Message-----
From: Carmine Booth
To: nathantamayo@earthlink.net, aobrewmaster@earthlink.net,
nbundek@earthlink.net, lovebug121@earthlink.net,
Subject: Finally collect child support from him
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2004 17:12:11 -0600

Order confirmation #5716734192 for nathantamayo@earthlink.net
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Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Fw: Education

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan
To: Moss, Stefanie
CC: nathantamayo@suckacocksuckacocksuckacocknow.yup
Subject: Education
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 16:53:11 -0700

Nothing went wrong with Chris, I asked him a few questions and he
answered them. Basically I asked him about different jobs in the Video
Game Industry and he told me what I expected. He said that what the
Academy teaches is modeling, design, animation, and texturing. He also
told me that within the workplace there is little crossover among
My interest is more within the realm of story writing and (to be
concise) programming. Both of which the school does not teach heavily.
I love the AAU so much though, I may become a Personal Enrichment
student, and if the financial consequences aren't too bad then I'll just
drop the classes that are giving me grief like a bad habit.
Thank you so much for all your help and concern.

-Nathan Tamayo

Friday, October 01, 2004


So they wear gloves to keep prints off the car, but they can sit in it.


So why don't they send back a fucking robot to kill Sarah instead?
Wouldn't people have known a lot less then? Especially about computers
and robots and shit? Or her parents? Or their parents? I'm sure they
wouldn't have much to do with the creation of the company that makes
robots. What are the chances?

Fw: Confidential info on regular citizens

-----Original Message-----
From: Kaye Mayes
To: leewed@earthlink.net, egallucci@earthlink.net,
nathantamayo@earthlink.net, aobrewmaster@earthlink.net
Subject: Confidential info on regular citizens
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2004 20:43:53 -0400

Order confirmation #7875506003930192 for leewed@earthlink.net
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I need a new circle. No one respects me. Maybe I need to start with a
bunch of people who know nothing of me. Clean slate.