Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Okay, i need awesome ideas for turning a box into a hat for a contest. Help me out.

Saturday, July 24, 2004


I only got one comment off that Random rant. You guys are all bastards. All of you.


Just saw a commercial for The Village. Why is it a popular method to use children's voices as a scare tactic? Is it their genderless "innocence?" Discuss. Motherfuckers.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Good times with Thomas between siestas.

[01:07:32] Nathan: eat it
[01:07:57] Thomas: coming from you.. i'd tend to decline
[01:08:14] Nathan: i dont blame you
[01:08:18] Nathan: but america does
[01:08:23] Nathan: that'd make a great reality show
[01:08:27] Nathan: "Here, Eat It"
[01:09:36] Nathan: i dont know what it implies or even would be about
[01:09:42] Nathan: but it's a good concept
[01:09:52] Thomas: lol
[01:09:56] Thomas: its called fear factor
[01:10:03] Nathan: lol
[01:10:13] Nathan: yeah but mine would be nowhere near safe
[01:10:31] Nathan: at least they check w/ the FDA
[01:11:08] Thomas: lol
[01:11:10] Thomas: awsome
[01:11:14] Thomas: here wat it...
[01:11:21] Thomas: rusty staples!
[01:11:25] Thomas: eat*
[01:11:30] Nathan: yeah
[01:11:32] Nathan: exactly
[01:11:35] Nathan: you can be my cohost
[01:11:38] Thomas: lol
[01:11:40] Thomas: yes!
[01:11:43] Thomas: im in!

[00:58:12] Thomas: i dont like rocky road
[00:58:15] Nathan: pick out the oteher stuff
[00:58:21] Thomas: lol
[00:58:24] Nathan: so what do you like?
[00:58:43] Thomas: i like good ol interesting and exotic vanilla
[00:58:47] Nathan: ah
[00:58:50] Nathan: so does my bro-in-law
[00:59:34] Thomas: cool
[00:59:36] Thomas: i guess
[00:59:38] Nathan: ..
[00:59:39] Nathan: you hate me
[00:59:43] Thomas: so do alota people
[00:59:50] Thomas: its the most popular flavor
[00:59:55] Nathan: what
[00:59:55] Nathan: hate?


Just squandered my paycheck on ATHF Season 1 + 2 and Sealab 2021 Season 1 and Cowboy Bebeop: The Movie and reserving Witch Hunter Robin Vol. 6 Vengeance and Ghost in the Shell that new thingy, Special Edition w/ the OST.

Next paycheck: Japanese PS2 w/ SH4: The Room w/ OSTs.


1. What is your Full Name? Nathan Bajillo Tamayo
2. What color pants are you wearing right now? Blue sweats with SHARKS on the side. From high school PE.
3. What are you listening to right now: My mom rummaging in her office.
4. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number:The last four digits of my phone number are TITS. My cel is 69.
5. What was the last thing you ate: Empinada.
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be: White.
7. How is the weather right now: Overcast.
8. Last person you talked to on the phone: Crystal.
9. First thing you notice about the opposite sex: Hair.
10. Do you like the person who sent this to you: Hell no! Wait, who?
11. Favorite drink: I've been going crazy over juice lately. Mango, strawberry, man, guava, orange..
12. Favorite Alcoholic drink: Ethenol.
13. Favorite Sports: Archery (doing). Football (watching).
14. Hair Color: Dark brown.
15. Eye Color: Brown.
16. Do you wear contacts: No.
17. Siblings: One older sister. One older step-sister (step-dad). One younger half-brother (dad).
18. Favorite Month(s): December. Lotsa family events then.
19. Favorite Food: Mozarella cheese.
20. Last Movie you watched: Matrix Revolutions.
21. Favorite Day of the Year: Winter solstice. What an awesome name.
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out: Who knows?
23. Summer or Winter: Summer.
24. Hugs or Kisses: Hugs.
25. Chocolate or Vanilla: Depends on the medium.
26. Living Arrangements: What? I guess w/ my mom and dad and grandparents?
27. What books are you reading: Book?
28. What's on your mouse pad: Who uses a mousepad anymore?
29. Favorite Game: Final Fantasy IV
30. What did you do last night: Internet. Phone. TV. Sleep.
31. Favorite Smells: No idea.
32. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Almost?
33. What inspires you? Music.
34. Favorite Flower: Lilies? I dunno, I think lilies.
35. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? What time is it? Should I get up?

Thursday, July 22, 2004


Your True Nature by llScorpiusll
The quality that most appeals to you:Strength
In a survival situation, you:Play dead
Your hidden talent is:Courage
Your gift is:Ability to acquire wealth
In groups, you:Work for a common goal
Your best quality is:Your indomitable will
Your weakness is:Being unforgiving
Quiz created with MemeGen!


it has killed me

i bought some wallscrolls, now i'm fucked.

ah well, I'll post pix of them when I get them :)

You want the random? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE RANDOM!

My friend Steve smoked a Magic: The Gathering card once.

One time I rented a video game for the SNES called Bubble Buster Bros. in hopes of playing with my dad. It ended being a one player game.

I almost cried in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King when Aragorn said, "My friends, you bow to no one."

In classic D&D rules there was a term called THAC0. Which meant To Hit Armor Class Zero.

I almost cried when I saw The Matrix Revolutions. I also almost had a brain anurism.

My girlfriend's first, middle and last names can all serve as first names.

The average penis is 6" long. The average vagina is 8" deep. There are about 2 miles of unused vagina in San Francisco alone. Go get some.

I remember I beat Mega Man X2 in 2 days, I bought it on the 1st of April and beat it on my birthday, April 3. My friends has just arrived for my party when I beat it.

Sometimes, when I take acid, I see Vishnu. He asks me for a Payday.

Denotation refers to the specific meaning of something while connotation refers to emotions suggested. Connotation makes the difference between Sad and Depressed, Hsppy and Elated.

Most people, when tired, find anything funny. When Thomas is tired, everything he says is funny to others.

My sister found out one of her coworkers has a Sidekick, it's his second. Thomas is on his second too. I'm on number four.

Al Gore didn't invent the internet. I did.

If you're watching a DVD and you notice a slight skip it's probably not a scratch. That's the DVD ROM lens adjusting to begin reading layer two.

Ken owes me money, but I don't think either of us knows how much.

Stewardess is the longest word in English you can type with only your left hand.

My sister's signature is a single word in cursive, her first initial and last name, in all non-capital letters. This spells lashton.

Nabisco actually stands for National Biscuit Company.

In Final Fantasy VII, The Enemy Skill, White Wind, restores the health of the entire party equal to the amount that is the difference between the caster's current HP and maximum HP.

The average american eats three spiders a year.


Once there was a keyboard layout called Dvorak where all the vowels were under your one hand and the five most common letters were under the other hand. Then outwardly from there, with the more common nearest your index, they letters would get less and less common. This typing style was so fast they made the little stamps in typewritters lock together, so they were returned to the "qwerty" configuration. "Qwerty" was then adopted of course by the computer keyboard. You can still set your keyboard to Dvorak though, if you like.

All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.

I am 1/8th chinese.

I believe Fabio said it best when he said, "I can't believe it's not butter."

Chinese and Japanese use characters to symbolize their sylables. Of course some words are single sylables and some are polysylabic like English, but polysylabic words are usually constructed with monosylabic words that are related to the compound word. This may sound similar to English compound words like "trainwreck" and "playstation" but this is not so. For example, in Chinese, Dong is "to move" and Wu is "thing" and Dong-Wu is "animal."

Why are there so many names for a period?

Thomas fights like Nali.

Blog is derived from the word WebLog.

Most people I know don't memorize phone numbers, instead they memorize the movement their fingers make over the keypad as they dial.

If anyone can tell me what the Interstellar Pig actually is/does, I'll send them $1 through Paypal.

If you shove food up your ass, you'll shit out your mouth.


I was wondering what happened to my earbuds.

At least they wenty through the drier after and still work.

Awesome, Apple, just awesome.

It's your turn.

After careful consideration and reading my highschool autobiography, I've decided to hold off. I have an idea.

1. Post topics and I'll choose one to write about.
2. After I choose a topic, i'll have a vote to see whether you want it to be serious or funny.
3. We'll see what comes up.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Oh yeah, some guy.

Soem guy who goes hunting w/ Joe (my stepdad) and shops at our store used to teach at the AAU and is still teaching compu art at SF State or something and stuff so now i have contacts! Whoo! Soemthing.

Man do I have nothing.

So I was lookingfor more essays, i couldnt find any, so I'm probably gonna post my autobiography in parts.

Friday, July 16, 2004


Went running around for Karaoke Revolution today and went to
Serramonte, the local mall. At EB, Chris Toribio is working, random
run-in. Then at Target I walked past an old classmate from
Elementry/Middle School, Vanessa Samaioya(sp) we just walked passed
each other, met eyes, kept moving said just "Hi." and we both kept
walking. Random. Then at Gamestop at Metro Center Daniel Vizcarra was
there, so weird.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Sidekick Blues

Confoundit I need another one.

Screen keeps going fucking blank.

God send me a new one, not a refurb.

Another Essay

Nathan Tamayo

Good friends. In an age where technology has advanced to instant, blazing speed internet, a thousand channels of satellite television and new video games coming out quite literally every day, it has never been more important to have friends. Society is barreling down a road that is leading us more and more to hide ourselves in a mountain fortress of electronic loneliness, and we need friends to knock on our castle gate to ask our mothers if we can come our and play. Good friends are important; their companionship is good for our health, both physical and mental. Unfortunately good friends are hard to find.

Good friends will cheer us on, cajole us into doing things we need to do and give us the self-confidence we need to progress in life. Whether it’s trying out for a team, asking a person out on a date or helping you decide on which college we’ll be happiest in, friends are there to give that little extra push and reassurance for time when we’re not sure of ourselves.

Good friends are people you can rely on, depend on and call at three o’clock in the morning when you’ve got a flat tire in the middle of the highway. They will be there when you really need them; when your cat dies and you’re feeling distraught, when you break up with your significant other and need someone to help you feel better, or when you need to scratch that annoying itch on your back you can’t reach. Good friends are reliable and are our support in times of need. Like when you need gas money.

Good friends are people who can cheer you up, make you smile and laugh until milk comes out your tear ducts. They can turn a frown upside-down, they can make a gray sky blue and make light of a grave situation. Good friends are the people you look to when you’re feeling down and people you can spend your time with and not regret it.

Great friends are all of the above.


Signed up for classes Editing with Final Cut Pro, Figure Modeling, Perspective, English: Narratives.


Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Ugh. Why did I do that?

Not a good breakfast = White Mocha + Sliced Salami

Monday, July 12, 2004


Been giving me problems. WoW crashed and Trillian deleted all my settings. So now it does things I don't like nd isn't doing things I'd like it to. In addition I have lost all my Away messages, so if anyone has them recorded anywhere, I'd like them back, that'd be awesome.

Sunday, July 11, 2004


Nathan Tamayo
March 4, 2003

Every time a person wants to eat out, one must not only take into account the food, environment and cost of dining at restaurants, but they must also consider the service. There are a myriad of waiter types, and I would like to discuss just a few of the less pleasurable ones as I have observed them in their natural habitat.

The Ignorant likes to completely forget about certain tables, while some tables are served every free moment that they have. If you have the misfortune of being served by the Ignorant he will not forget about just any old table, but yours in particular. You will spend twenty minutes politely waiting for him to notice your water glass as empty so that he may refill it, then you will attempt to catch his attention by waving your hand for ten minutes. If those two methods fail, which they surely will, you will say, “Excuse me,” whistle, hoot or yell to get his attention, the response you will get will be, “One moment and I’ll be right with you.” One moment turns into two, two turn into four and soon the interest rate is inflating your momentary patience to no ends.
Of course when you’ve become fed up and ask for the bill, he will give it to you post haste.

Once you have been served by Ignorant you will of course go to another place to dine, and you may be served by Forgetful. Forgetful likes to take your orders and is always cheery, she always listens and it’s easy catching her attention, unlike Ignorant. Also unlike Ignorant, she will serve you as soon as she gets a chance. When you are ready to order she will smile politely, nod, write down your order and double-check to make sure she heard you properly. After being served by Ignorant you will be glad that you received prompt and courteous attention and you will gleefully await your meal.
The problem begins once the food arrives. Your sandwich has tomatoes when you specifically asked for none, your drink does not arrive until you request it again and the soup is white clam chowder, not red. Of course people make mistakes, so you politely return the food and wait for the exchange. Upon her return your sandwich has no tomatoes but is on white not rye and you receive tomato soup instead of red clam chowder. Item exchange will happen three or four times. It is also possible for it to happen up to five times, if you are extremely unlucky.
Eventually, you give in to hunger and impatience, and you take the sandwich that is most like what you ordered and eat it, even if it isn’t exactly. Of course the one thing you didn’t notice was the mustard that you are allergic too.
When you receive your hospital bill you will also receive your dinner bill and find that you have been billed thrice for every item you ordered. Do not panic, it happens every time.

Lazy is the most sensible of the waiter types I will discuss. He has come to the realization that, just because you are paying for his livelihood, it does not mean that he has to enjoy serving you or make an effort to serve you whatsoever. You can easily identify lazy by his uncanny ability to hold up walls by pressing his back against them. Lazy can do this for hours at a time. It has been hypothesized that if Lazy did not exist many restaurants would collapse, thus many businesses breed them for safety.
Should you risk your life by asking Lazy to serve you, he will do so in a lackadaisical manner because his wall-holding job is more important, interesting and exciting. If he should drop your plates onto your table meekly or drag his feet, it is because he is exhausted from his hard work of wall-holding.

A cousin to Forgetful, Overachiever is also cheerful, polite and sweet. In fact they are so much alike that, at first, it may be difficult to discern the two. Don’t worry, you will figure it out when the meal starts.
Overachiever will make sure that everything is fine. And that everything is fine. And that everything is okay. And that your meal is great. And that you have enough napkins. And that you have enough water. And that everything is fine. And that you’re finding everything pleasing. And that the steak is not too rare. And that everything is fine. And that if you’re done with this, she can take it out of your way. And that if you’re done with that, she can take it out of your way. And that if you want another beverage she can get it for you. And that everything is fine. And that if you want to see the dessert menu, she can recommend some items. And that you have enough cream for your coffee. And will that be all?
Though you don’t have to worry about answering too many questions because she will always ask you when your mouth is full and you can answer with either a polite nod or an extremely rude shake of the head.
Of course she will thank you for dining there and hopes that everything tonight was fine.

As you can see a waiter (or, as we call the female sex, “waitress”) can vary considerably in personality and they can act in many strange and astonishing ways. As we learn more about this magnificent creature we will continue to discover new and exciting species. The waiter is a complicated creature so a patron must beware. Remember, if you encounter any of the above: Do not tip them.

Boring as hell....

So lately I've just been working at my mom's store helping with all kinds of things. Wentto birthday dinner for my step-sister. I think I lost my camera attachment for my phone and a classes cleaner there, sigh, there goes $40. Chances are they threw it away since when Tim went back for his cellphone he left there he didn't see anything.

Bought Legend of Zelda 4 Swords, not as fun alone. Played with Crystal and CJ last night and them and Ken today.

I'm sure I'd get a lot more response if I posted something interesting, but I can't even think of anyhting, maybe an essay from highschool. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

Saturday, July 10, 2004


So I just saw this commercial for OLN, the Outdoor Life Network, but if people are into getting outdoors why should they make a network for them?

Friday, July 09, 2004


So I come home and turn on TV. I see Stargate SG-1 and I watch. So uh, righ t now is Stargate SG-1 again. One episode after another, a back-to-back type thing. Not a bad idea right? back-to-back shows of a series? Yeah, normally. Normally they're consecutive episodes like episode 122 then episode 123. Sometimes they're just unreleated (like Friends on.. that.. channel that it's on...) like episode 567 then episode 145.

But someone at Sci-fi thought it would be a good idea to show the saeme episode back-to-back. WTF.

Oh yeah, jsut been working at my family's store. Yay. Finally helping out my parents and making money. It's all good.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004


My room pWnz urs!!!1

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Out of Shear and Udder Boardom

A: Aries
B: Bukkake
C: Crystal
D: Dammit
E: Ernest
F: Final Fantasy
G: Grunty
H: How 'bout, no.
I: I'm Rick James, bitch.
J: Jeeeeooooorb
K: Karaoke
L: Le Miserable
M: Michelle Branch
N: Negro, please.
P: Preschool Friend
Q: Que?
R: Room
S: Siesta
U: University
V: Vroom.
W: What?
X: X (Internet Explorer Only)
Y: Because we like you. (Click Carefully.)
Z: ... Fuck that shit.